Software for Wavelets and Time-Frequency Analysis

In the Primer and its Exercises & Examples manual, there were several free software packages used.  Here we collect together links to the web pages for these packages, and also include the installation files for the versions used by the author (which may not be the latest versions) just to insure that some version remains available.  Click on the links to go to the various sites for downloading. 

1.  Fawav  (Freeware for digital audio and image processing with wavelets and Fourier transforms.)

2.  Audacity (Homepage of Audacity freeware for digital audio editing.)

               Version 1.2.6 (Installation program for Audacity version used by the author for the Primer.)

               Lame-3.96.1 (MP3 support for Audacity, also available as a link from Audacity homepage) 
               Extract the files and run the setup program to enable MP3 support in Audacity.


3.  Image Analyzer (Latest version of Image Analyzer freeware for digital image editing.)

               Version 1.2.6 (Installation program for Image Analyzer version used by the author for the Primer.)


4.  WSQ viewer (Homepage of WSQ Viewer freeware that reads and writes the FBI's WSQ fingerprint compression standard)

                 Version 2.4 (Installation program for WSQ viewer version used by the author for the Primer).
5.   MusicNotes Player  (Download page for free digital sheet music and player)  This software was not
used in the Primer, but I include it here because it's a very cool program.  You can watch the notes on
the sheet music change color as the music plays!  The homepage (where both free and commercial sheet music can be found) is here.

6.  Image Compression and Denoising  This link will take you to a page containing three software packages, and their source codes, for performing image compression and denoising (including
compression of color images).   This software was not used in the Primer, but is based on algorithms
that were discussed (the WDR, TAWS, and TAWS-Spin algorithms).